Ideapaint – Web & Mobile Ecommerce

  • Client: Ideapaint
  • Agency: Big Spaceship


Ideapaint, the leader in premium dry erase paint, came to us for a full responsive redesign of their website, including an ecommerce component. They had a number of goals for this redesign, including increaseing sales through their own website (vs partner channels), as well as optimized lead generation for larger orders placed directly via their sales staff, from which a bulk of their sales come from. Additionally, the brand was growing oversees, and they needed a way for potential customers in these countries to find local distributors, as they did not offer direct sales abroad.


We took a deep dive into their analytics. We found that, among other issues, they had an over 70% drop off in the conversion funnel. In other words, people were adding products to their cart, starting the checkout process, and a large majority of them were abandoning it.

We also talked to a broad range of stakeholders in the company, including sales people, customer service, and operations, who were all very helpful. However, the most valuable insight came from the woman whose role at the company is to respond to the website’s live chat function. She told us that people turn to the live chat widget not because they need to speak with someone, but because they can’t find their way around the site. This insight led us to design a simplified navigation that enabled users to quickly find what they were looking for, without intervention.


We focused on an optimized e-commerce flow, significantly cutting down on time to completion by removing unnecessary steps, including adding a one-page checkout. We also added a guest checkout option, removing the registration barrier. For the lead generation goal, we added contextual appearance to the live chat widget in order to ask the user the correct question at the correct time. We also streamlined the navigation, removing the complexity and simplifying the site architecture.

Our redesign drove a 30% increase in average order size.