Most design portfolios are badly designed

Every single UX and Product Design portfolio I’ve ever seen says they care deeply about the end user. The portfolio has a prominently featured tagline like “user-obsessed” or “passionate about the user” or something along these lines, usually as lead in to a portfolio that presumably demonstrates this point. But in reviewing the portfolio, it’s… Continue reading

JIRA Tickets as a Checklist

Recently, as a function of rapid growth, we were encountering problems with newly released features and functionality due to missing critical considerations in the ticketing process. In other words, we would release functionality and then realize it had product impacts we didn’t foresee. Inspired by the Checklist Manifesto by Atul Gawande, I created a new… Continue reading

This site is now part of the Fediverse!

Using the ActivityPub plugin for WordPress, I am (in theory) connected to the Fediverse. All posts should now appear if you follow from your Fediverse (Mastadon, etc) instance! If you’re new to the Fediverse, here’s a quick synopsis from ChatGPT: “The Fediverse is a network of decentralized social media platforms that operate on a… Continue reading